# Introduction

i18next Phrase In-Context Editor Post Processor is a package which allows to integrate the Phrase Strings In-Context Editor (opens new window) with any Javascript application. The one and only prerequisite is to use the brilliant i18next (opens new window) library to handle the localization of the app.

# Why

The Phrase Strings In-Context Editor (opens new window) adds the functionality of live translation editing while browsing through the production-ready application. It allows translators to edit the content directly within your application without the need to use a separated management platform UI - from now on, translators will always see exactly where content comes from.

# How does it work

This package is a post processor (opens new window) for i18next (opens new window). The main job of i18next Phrase In-Context Editor Post Processor is to convert every translation key into a format that is understandable by the Phrase Strings In-Context Editor (opens new window). This allows us to gather an synchronize texts between Phrase.com (opens new window) and your app.

So, to get the Phrase Strings In-Context Editor (opens new window) integrated with your application, you just need to install and properly include it. Let's have a look how to do that in the next section!